The Pinewood Derby -- One of Cub Scouting's Most Popular & Iconic Activities
In a Pinewood Derby -- one of Cub Scouting's most popular and iconic activities -- Cub Scouts race small, driverless, pine-wood cars down a sloped track. The cars are powered only by gravity.
With an adult’s help, Cub Scouts build their own Pinewood Derby cars from a kit that includes a wooden block, plastic wheels and metal axles. Pack 1 awards 1st- through 5th-place trophies to the Scouts who build and race the fastest cars. We also issue several design-award trophies and 1st- through 3rd-place medals for the 3 fastest cars in each Den.
Prior to Pack 1's Pinewood Derby -- held usually in April or May -- we first hold an all-Pack Design Workshop and an all-Pack Car-Cutting Workshop. In these events, Pack 1 leaders and other parents help Scouts design their Derby cars with pre-made and custom templates and then cut them to shape with band-saws.
More Pinewood Derby FAQs here: